发布时间:2024-11-11   访问次数:178

Xinggui Zhou (周兴贵)


Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology

Email: xgzhou@ecust.edu.cnxguizhou@foxmail.com


Professor Xing-Gui Zhou earned his Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering in 1987 and his PhD in 1996 from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST). In 1995, he was a visiting student at the University of Virginia and a visiting scholar at CPE Lyon in 2002. Since 1996, he has been a researcher at the State-Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering (SKLoChE) at ECUST, where he joined the faculty of Chemical Engineering. He was promoted to full professor in 2002 and currently serves as the director of SKLoChE at ECUST.

Professor Zhou's research interests include reaction kinetics, transport in catalytic materials and microchannel reactors, solid catalyst design, and industrial crystallization. He is an active member of the Asian Pacific of Chemical Reaction Engineering (APCRE) working party and the Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium (ACTS) steering committee. He has also chaired the 8th Asian Pacific Forum of Chemical Engineering (APCRE 2017) and the 2021 International Conference on Mathematics in (bio)Chemical Kinetics and Engineering (MaCKiE 2021).


1983.09 ~ 1987.07

Inorganic Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, for B.E.

1990.9 ~ 1992.12

Separation engineeering, East China University of Science and Technology, for M.Eng., advancing to Ph.D. without master's thesis defense

1993.1 ~ 1996.6

Chemical EngineeringEast China University of Science and Technology, for PhD

1995.9 ~ 1995.12

Chemical Engineering Depaetment, University of Virgina, visting student

Work Experience

1987.08 ~ 1990.09

Technician, Jiangxi Nonferrous Metallurgical and Chemical Plant

1996.06 ~ 1997.12

Lecturer, East China University of Science and Technology

1998.01 ~ 2000.12

Associate Professor, East China University of Science and Technology

2001.1 ~ present

Professor, East China University of Science and Technology

Research Interests

Chemical Kinetics

Development of new experimental tools and modeling methodologies for catalytic kinetics.

Transport in Catalytic Materials and Microchannels

Design of pellet catalysts and microchannel reactors aimed at process intensification.

Solid Catalyst Design

Kinetics-guided design for accelerated development and optimization of solid catalysts

Industrial Crystallization

Crystallization for purification and polymorphs of chemical and protein-based drugs.

Editorial Boards

Executive Editor

CRE section, Chemical Engineering Journal

Associate editor

Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology (Chinese)

Editorial board member

Chinese Journal Chemical Engineering

Current Opinion of Chemical engineering

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities

Selected Awards

Aurora Program of Shanghai

New Century Talent Support Program of the Ministry of Education of China

Leadership Development Program of Shanghai

Second Prize for Natural Science Awards from the Ministry of Education, 2019

Second Prize for Natural Science Awards of Shanghai, 2020

First Prize for Scientific and Technological Awards from the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineering, 2022 and 2023

Selected Publications

1.      Ye G H, Wang H Z, Duan X Z, et al. Pore network modeling of catalyst deactivation by coking, from single site to particle, during propane dehydrogenation [J]. Aiche Journal, 2019, 65(1): 140-50.

2.      Duan X Z, Huang Z K, Qian G, et al. Unprecedented yield of methyl-esterification with in-situ generated diazomethane in a microchannel reactor with methanol as solvent [J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 213.

3.      Cao Y Q, Fu W Z, Ren Z H, et al. Tailoring electronic properties and kinetics behaviors of Pd/N-CNTs catalysts for selective hydrogenation of acetylene [J]. Aiche Journal, 2020, 66(4).

4.      Wang G, Du W, Duan X, et al. Mechanism-guided elaboration of ternary AuTiSi sites to boost propylene oxide formation [J]. Chem Catalysis, 2021, 1(4): 885-95.

5.      Yu Y X, Yang J, Zhu K K, et al. High-Throughput Screening of Alloy Catalysts for Dry Methane Reforming [J]. Acs Catalysis, 2021, 11(14): 8881-94.

6.  Zhang Z H, Tang Y Q, Du W, et al. Engineering gold impregnated uncalcined TS-1 to boost catalytic formation of propylene oxide [J]. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2022, 319.

7.  Hu S, Chen J X, Zhang Q F, et al. Crystal-size-dependent external surface diffusion barriers in Pt/ZSM-5 catalyzed n-pentane isomerization [J]. Aiche Journal, 2022, 68(7).

8.  Du W, Zhang Z H, Tang Y Q, et al. Kinetic Insights into the Tandem and Simultaneous Mechanisms of Propylene Epoxidation by H2 and O2 on Au-Ti Catalysts [J]. Acs Catalysis, 2023.

9.  Weng J Q, Zhang Q F, Yu J H, et al. Numerical determination of fluid-to-particle mass and heat transfer coefficients in packed bed reactors [J]. Aiche Journal, 2023, 69(5).

10.  Shi S D, Jing Y D, Zhang Z H, et al. Synergizing tetra-coordinated Ti sites anchored onto micropore-free silica with Au sites to boost propylene hydro-oxidation [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 491.


For inquiries related to research collaborations, student supervision, or other academic interests, please reach out using the contact details provided above.