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Guang-Hua Ye (叶光华)

Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology

Email: guanghuaye@ecust.edu.cn

Address: Meilong Road No. 130, 200237, Shanghai, China

Phone: +86-188 1751 7348

Fax: +86-21-64253528


2011.9 ~ 2016.6

PhD in Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology

2014.9 ~ 2015.9

Joint PhD in Chemical Engineering, University College London

2007.9 ~ 2011.6

Bachelor in Chemical Engineering and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology

Work Experience

2016.7 ~ 2018.7

Postdoctor, East China University of Science and Technology


Visiting scholar, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg

2018.10- 2020.9

Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology

2020.9- Present

Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology

Research Interests

Diffusion-reaction in heterogeneous catalysts

Modeling and optimizing mass & heat transfer and reaction coupled processes in heterogenous catalysts and chemical reactors.

Engineering surface/interface of microporous catalysts

Engineering surface/interface of microporous catalysts for improved mass transfer.

Designing pellet structure of industrial catalysts

Designing pellet structure of industrial catalysts, including CFD modelling.

Selected Publications

1.      Zhongyuan Guo, Xin Li, Shen Hu, Guanghua Ye*, Xinggui Zhou, Marc-Olivier Coppens*, Understanding the Role of Internal Diffusion Barriers in Pt/Beta Zeolite Catalyzed Isomerization of n-Heptane, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Doi:10.1002/anie.201913660.

2.      Xinlei Liu, Qunfeng Zhang, Guanghua Ye*, Jinjin Li, Ping Li, Xinggui Zhou, Frerich J. Keil, Deactivation and regeneration of Claus catalyst particles unraveled by pore network model, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020. 211, 115305.

3.     Guanghua Ye, Weiwen Tong, Xinlei Liu, Xinkuan Song, Jinghong Zhou, Xinggui Zhou, An analytical method for the optimization of porenetwork in lithium-ion battery electrodes, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 149, 226-234.

4.     Rui Hu, Xin Li, Zhijun Sui, Guanghua Ye, Xinggui Zhou, Process simulation and optimization of propane dehydrogenation combined with selective hydrogen combustion, Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 2019, 143, 107608.

5.     Guanghua Ye, Haizhi Wang, Xinggui Zhou*, Frerich, J. Keil*, Marc-Olivier Coppens*, Weikang Yuan. “Optimizing Catalyst Pore Network Structure in the Presence of Deactivation by Coking” AIChE J. 2019, 65, e16687.

6.     Guanghua Ye, Haizhi Wang, Xuezhi Duan, Zhijun Sui, Xinggui Zhou*, Marc-Olivier Coppens*, Weikang Yuan. “Pore Network Modeling of Catalyst Deactivation by Coking, from Single Site to Particle, during Propane Dehydrogenation” AIChE J. 2019, 65, 140-150.

7.     Guanghua Ye, Xinggui Zhou*, Marc-Olivier Coppens*, Jinghong Zhou, Weikang Yuan. “Influence of catalyst pore network structure on the hysteresis of multiphase reactions.” AIChE J. 2017, 63, 78-86.

8.     Guanghua Ye, Xinggui Zhou*, Marc-Olivier Coppens*, Weikang Yuan. “Probing pore blocking effects on multiphase reactions within porous catalyst particles using a discrete model.” AIChE J. 2016, 62, 451-460.

9.     Yao Shi#, Guanghua Ye#, Changfeng Yang, Yanqiang Tang, Chong Peng, Gang Qian, Weikang Yuan, Xuezhi Duan*, Xinggui Zhou. “Pore engineering of hierarchically structured hydrodemetallization catalyst pellets in a fixed bed reactor.” Chem. Eng. Sci. 2019, 202, 336-346.

10.  Guanghua Ye, Xuezhi Duan, Kake Zhu, Xinggui Zhou*, Marc-Olivier Coppens, Weikang Yuan. “Optimizing spatial pore-size and porosity distributions of adsorbents for enhanced adsorption and desorption performance.” Chem. Eng. Sci. 2015, 132, 108-117.

11.  Xinlei Liu, Hailang Wang, Guanghua Ye, Xinggui Zhou, Frerich J. Keil. Enhanced performance of catalyst pellets for methane dry reforming by engineering pore network structure. Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 373, 13891396.

12.  Guanghua Ye, Yuanyuan Sun, Xinggui Zhou*, Kake Zhu, Jinghong Zhou, Marc-Olivier Coppens*. “Method for generating pore networks in porous particles of arbitrary shape, and its application to catalytic hydrogenation of benzene.” Chem. Eng. J. 2017, 329, 56-65.  

13.  Guanghua Ye, Yuanyuan Sun, Zhongyuan Guo, Kake Zhu, Honglai Liu, Xinggui Zhou*, Marc-Olivier Coppens*. “Effects of zeolite particle size and internal grain boundaries on Pt/Beta catalyzed isomerization of n-pentane.” J. Catal. 2018, 360, 152-159.

14.  Hailang Wang, Xuezhi Duan, Xinlei Liu, Guanghua Ye*, Xiongyi Gu, Kake Zhu, Xinggui Zhou, Weikang Yuan. “Influence of tubular reactor structure and operatingconditions on dry reforming of methane.” Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2018, 139, 39-51.

15.  Guanghua Ye, Xuezhi Duan, Zhijun Sui, Kake Zhu, Xinggui Zhou*, Weikang Yuan. “Evaluation of approximations for concentration-dependent micropore diffusion in sorbent with bidisperse pore structure.” Adsorption. 2014, 20, 843-853.

16.  Guanghua Ye#, Zhongyuan Guo#, Yuanyuan Sun, Kake Zhu, Honglai Liu, Xinggui Zhou*, Marc-Olivier Coppens*. “Probing the nature of surface barriers on ZSM-5 by surface modification.” Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, 1333-1342.


For inquiries related to research collaborations, student supervision, or other academic interests, please reach out using the contact details provided above.