伦敦大学学院Marc-Olivier Coppens教授访问课题组
发布时间:2024-11-26   访问次数:18

伦敦大学学院Marc-Olivier Coppens教授应邀于2024331日至46日访问课题组。Marc-Olivier Coppens与本课题组有长期的合作。访问期间对师生介绍作关于Nature-Inspired Catalytic and Electrochemical Processes的学术讲座,并与课题组青年教师和学生就催化反应过程强化等专题进行了深入交流。

Marc-Olivier COPPENS is Ramsay Memorial Professor in Chemical Engineering at University College London, UCL, since 2012, after professorships at Rensselaer (USA) and TU Delft (Netherlands). He is also Vice-Dean for UCL Engineering (Interdisciplinarity, Innovation) since 2021, after serving as Head of Department of Chemical Engineering for 8 years. He directs the Centre for Nature-Inspired Engineering (UCL CNIE), founded through an EPSRC “Frontier Engineering” Award in 2013. He received his MSc (1993) and PhD (1996) in Chemical Engineering from Ghent University (Belgium) and was a research fellow in Mathematics at Yale (1996) and in Chemical Engineering at UC Berkeley (USA, 1997-8), also visiting the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanxi (ICC) in 1996. He is recognized for pioneering nature-inspired chemical engineering (NICE) over the past 25 years and developing a systematic nature-inspired solution methodology to accelerate innovation for sustainable development. He is Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Corresponding Member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Germany, Qiushi Professor at Zhejiang University in China, and Scientific Council Member for IFP Energies nouvelles in France. He serves on advisory and editorial boards, including Editor-in-Chief of Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification and the Advisory Boards of RSC Molecular Systems Design & Engineering and IOP Sustainability Science & Technology.